Steps To Protect Yourself

These steps are adapted from the WHO Whatsapp information service.

Watch the video:

? Wash your hands frequently

? Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose

? Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze

? Practice social distancing

? Stay at home if you feel unwell – even with a slight fever and cough

? If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call by phone first

ℹ️ Stay aware of the latest information from the South African government’s COVID-19 portal at

⏩ Share this service with this link:

Featured image: Centers for Disease Control on Unsplash

Results from SA Junior Trials

We would firstly like to congratulate everyone for making it to trials and enjoying it.

PS: We loved your assignments.

Before announcing the SA Junior Team 2019 we would like to congratulate Lwandle Ntshangase for making the SA Team 2019 and Faye Crawford for making the SA-A Team for 2019.

Congratulations to the 2019 South African Junior Team:
Janya Kaur
Joseph Goldblatt
Adam Gear
Shreyah Ramluckan

Nicholas Ford
Shristi Sooklal
Chulumanco Magwa

We will be communicating to you shortly, congratulations and goodluck! The work starts now.

SA Junior Staff 2019

Results from SA Senior Trials

Congratulations to the following speakers who have been selected for Team South Africa and the South African A team respectively

Ella Morrison
Gabriel Brouard-Ancer
Ivan Buckland
Joshua Jankelow
Kent Fobian
Lwandle Ntshangase
Oyama Mzayidume
Robert Matenjwa
Semane Reddy-Mbewu

Dharmik Bhoora
Faye Crawford
Joseph Zelezniak
Kade Kalell
Kian Ontong
Thandekile Ndlovu

1st Asia World Schools Debating Championships

OVER 200 students from nine territories came to Thailand to participate in an international debate tournament. Held under the theme of “It’s Our Turn”, the first Asia World Schools Debating Championship ran from August 1-7 at the Anglo-Singapore International School in Bangkok.

The South African Schools’ Debating Board sent two teams:

South Africa ‘A’ Team 1 (SAA1) consisted of Sam Musker; Emma Buckland; Ilan Malkin and Desmond Fairall. South Africa ‘A’ Team 2 (SAA2) consisted of Kate Dewey; Bettina Buabeng-Baidoo; Laurian Polkinghorne and Amelia Warren. Coaches: Phiwe Salukazana and Christopher Hojem. Adjudicator: Jolandi Swanepoel

Seven preliminary rounds were held for both prepared and impromptu motions. The teams competed in the knock-out debates, which saw Singapore and South Africa duelling in the grand finals on the motion: “This house supports an independent state for the Rohingya”.

Members from both teams presented constructive arguments opposing and proposing the creation of a Rohingya autonomous state, touching on the subjects of persecution, the right to self-determination, sectarian conflict and economic repercussions.  The HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Cup went to Anglo-Chinese Junior College of Singapore.


SAA1 broke 10th and made it to the Grand Final and SAA2 broke 5th and made it to the Octo-Final.

All our speakers ranked in the top 30:

  • Ilan Malkin – 3rd
  • Emma Buckland – 5th
  • Bettina Buabeng-Baidoo – 9th
  • Kate Dewey – 11th  
  • Sam Musker – 12th
  • Amelia Warren – 17th
  • Desmond Fairall – 28th
  • Laurian Polkinghorne – 30th

Julie Sutanto, director of schools at Anglo-Singapore International School, said debating was a major tool for communication and discussion in both the local and international arenas. “We want youths to learn the importance of effective communication in various situations and to demonstrate that differences can be resolved through tolerance and understanding. Through debate, students learn to discuss global issues and create a public dialogue in an organised way,” she said.

The next Asia World Schools Debating Championship will be held in Bangkok at the same time next year.