Official Documents
- SASDB Constitution (Amended 2013) (.pdf file, 365KB)
- Annexure D – Child Protection Policy (.pdf file, 160KB)
Debating Guides
All of the guides below are freely available for download and may be used and reproduced in full or in part for non-profit purposes. Should you wish to use these materials for profit, please contact the SASDB.
- How To Debate (.pdf file, 707KB)
- Adjudicator Manual (.pdf file, 196KB)
- Adjudication Rubric (.pdf file, 73KB)
- Coaching Debating 1: General Guidelines (.ppsx file, 162KB)
- Coaching Debating 2: Debating Elements (Note: This will also be useful for speakers and adjudicators – it contains detailed discussion of Burden of Proof, Matter Generation, Basic Arguments, Points of Information, and Style.) (.pdf file, 709KB)
- Hosting A Tournament (.pdf file, 623KB)
- The Responsibilities of a Chief Adjudication Team (.pdf file, 106KB)
- Chief Adjudication Team: Annexure A – Speaker Ballot (.pdf file, 88KB)
- Chief Adjudication Team: Annexure B – Adjudicator Feedback Forms (.doc file, 16KB)
- Chief Adjudication Team: Annexure C – Speed Ballots (.doc file, 15KB)
- Nationals Newsletters from NSDC 2010 (.pdf file, 2.34MB)
- The December 2011 National Team Trials Report (.pdf file, 328KB)